Pure oil for interference-free production

From the beginning it was about hydraulic service. Today we have a wide range of products and services in maintenance and service for the industry.

We are celebrating 40 years!

We want to thank all partners and customers for these years and we hope for continued good cooperation in the future.

By staying so close to nature, the will to protect it is strengthened.

Many of the goods and services we provide help our customers improve their environment. We always strive to find, together with customers, partners and suppliers, the best environmental solutions in a life cycle perspective. We shall conduct our operations in accordance with applicable legislation and binding requirements.

Oil generators for industry

Many of our customers have reduced their downtime and service costs by more than 75% by keeping the oil clean with this method.


TrafoKleener does not need to replace used insulating oil but can recondition it during operation with very good results.

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